The Deceased was only 61 years at the time of death. She sadly passed from metastatic breasst cancer that she had developed over a period of 5 years. It is reported that the Deceased had developed significant abdominal discomfort around four months before her death.
Medical History – Delayed Breast Cancer Diagnosis
The deceased had a history of various medical consultations from 2012 when she was then aged 55 years. In that year she discovered a right sided breast lump had developed but was advised it was NOT CANCER, however a later finding was that she had a condition called fibromatosis (a rare but benign growth of the breast tissue). Surgical intervention was recommended but in did not take place. In 2015 a right sided axilla lump developed but no further treatment was recommended.
Later it was found that the Deceased complained of abdominal discomfort, scans were undertaken, ultrasound, CT and MRI were performed that showed large liver mass and legion of the kidney. There then followed a rapid deterioration of her condition and sadly passed in 2017,
Following investigations by independent experts over the supervision of expert clinical negligence solicitors revealed that that this case was a ‘metaplastic breast disease’ process throughout 2012 to death.
When the clinical negligence solicitors issued court proceedings the Defendant Solicitors made an offer of £285,000 in full in final settlement of the action.
It is reported that the breakdown of the compensation payment of £285,000 was as follows:
Breast cancer pain, suffering: £80,000 to £90,000;
Bereavement award, funeral expenses, modest hospital and travel expenses £19,685
Significant losses in respect of mothers services to children , past dependency on care £50,000
Post death care on dependency: 34,370.
Financial loss of dependency in the region of £28,288 (past) and £15,436 (post death).
Loss of dependency on pension: £9,000.
Miscellaneous sums for private oncological screening and a cleaner £6,820.
Grandparental services totalling £20,000.
Loss to other grandchildren £4,000 each.
Delayed Breast Cancer Diagnosis Compensation Claims
If you or a family member has been affected by this article please contact us for fee legal advice and support on how to claim or a least make a complaint or obtain further information upon your rights if you think any cancer that you believe the GP or Hospital trust has failed to spot the signs early which could have led to a earlier diagnosis which could have led to a better outcome.
For further reading on delayed cancer compensation claims please click on the following links: