A claim for accident compensation for child injuries to a child is made up of the following:
1. Child Injuries – compensation is assessed by the extent of the injuries and suffering by the child as a
result of the accident. In general the greater the injury and suffering the more compensation will be awarded.
2. Expenses – Generally a child will not incur any losses as these will be sustained by the parent or
guardian. These losses can include the following:
a. Claim for replacement cost to the child’s clothing,
b. Travel expenses to hospital and GP
c. Loss of earnings as a result of taking time off work to look after your child
d. Any other expense or loss that is deemed to be reasonable.
Typical Road Traffic Accident Claims By Solicitors on Behalf of A Child – Child Injuries
When a solicitor calculates the compensation claim for the child’s injuries following an accident or child injury claim, the solicitor will calculate the claim by reference to the two basic principles. This would be the calculation of the child personal injury claim following the accident to the child and the financial loss to the parent or the child. The financial loss and expenses will normally be incurred by the parent as the child usually has no independent financial income. The following are typical examples of a claim for financial losses and expenses and a claim for personal injuries.
Typical Road Traffic Accident Claims – Financial Losses & Expenses – Child Injuries
Child injuries claims and accident solicitors will typically claim in a routine road traffic accident the following financial losses and expenses:
- Claim repair damage to the motor vehicle – following accident involving child injuries claim
- Claim for any car hire – following accident involving child injuries claim
- Claim for any storage charges of the motor vehicle – following accident involving child injuries claim
- Claim any insurance excess – following accident involving child injuries claim
- Claim loss of earnings – following accident involving child injuries claim
- Claim loss of bonuses, loss of profits or overtime – following accident involving child injuries claim
- Claim any no claim bonus which may be lost pending the claim – following accident involving child injuries claim
- Claim for damaged clothing – following accident involving child injuries claim
- Claim for medical bills – following accident involving child injuries claim
- Claim for time caring for the injured child or children in the car crash – following accident & child injuries
- Claim for travel expenses attending upon hospital, GP, physiotherapy, solicitors and doctors – child injuries
- Claim for sundry expenses such as telephone calls and postage – following accident & child injuries claim
The above is just an example of some typical child injuries claims for out of pocket expenses and losses that our routinely claimed following a road traffic accident. The child injuries and accident solicitors will, of course in addition to the financial claims, claim for the pain, suffering and loss of amenity, commonly known as personal injury, or in solicitor’s language “general damages”.