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Child Injured at School by Another Child

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Child Injured at School by Another Child

Claimant, aged 6 – years- old, was injured at school by another child when playing unsupervised with a group of children in the playground.

The claimant was lifted by another pupil and thrown over his shoulder when she fell to the floor.

The Claimant’s friends had to go and find a teacher in order to inform her of what had happened as there was no teacher in sight at the time of the incident.

The claimant suffered from Asperger’s Syndrome and is supervised by a teacher’s assistant during class time. The Claimant’s Litigation Friend had numerous of meetings with the school board in order for the Claimant to be provided with extra supervision during playtime.

As a result of the incident, the Claimant suffered from a broken collar bone.

Has your child been injured at school by another child?

Are you eligible to make a claim?

Please contact our Child Injury Specialists for further information.

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