New Whiplash Claims MIB
The crack down on fraudulent whiplash claims has started this month. The Law Society Gazette provides the following background to the new whiplash claims procedure:
‘The reality of the changes coming into force on 31 May is that all whiplash claims are now subject to a fixed tariff for compensation and those RTA claims worth less than £5,000 are subject to the small claims limit. In short, claimants can expect to receive less and may have to act for themselves.
The government hailed the advent of the reforms, and the launch of Official Injury Claim – the portal for handling lower-value RTA claims – by repeating insurers’ pledges that motorists will be on average £35 better off each year.
However, critics quickly spotted problems. Complexity is one issue, with unrepresented litigants having to rely on a 64-page guide to running their claim. ‘
For the sake of £35 all injured victims who want to brave it alone and make a claim under the official whiplash injury MIB portal will have to familiarise themselves with a 64 page guide on how to make a official whiplash injury claim via the MIB portal. But then there are many loopholes to if you suffer from multiple injuries, that is, say your lower back plus whiplash does it still go through the new small claim tariff? If you put it in the new portal, I am sure the insurance companies will not inform you to seek legal advice to obtain more personal injury compensation.
If you claim is for whiplash or multiple injuries we are still taking on cases so you don’t have to do all the time-consuming paper work.
Contac us today How to claim for whiplash injury via MIB Portal